Saturday, August 12, 2006

August 16, 2006

So, they thwarted the terrorist plot, apparently, which is good news for all of us, but especially for me, since the alleged day that it was to take place -- 8/16/06 -- is also the day when the episode I am writing for the aforementioned (or actually, not really mentioned at all, just alluded to) TV show starts prepping for production. That these two major world events were to fall on the same day is not lost on me. I've always known I it was somehow all about me.

It's actually the world news that keeps me awake after midnight, when I should be going to sleep -- I have about five scenes to write/rewrite tomorrow in order to hand the script in to the showrunner on time. It's been an exhaustive process, but I have learned (sort of) to stop obsessing about every little piece of dialogue and indeed, direction and just get the stuff down. When all is said and done it will have taken me a week to write half the script and rewrite all of it, with some help on the front end from my fellow staff members.

As I am disappointed every year when the NFL draft passes me by, I will be similarly crushed if the Emmy voters overlook me in 2007. I don't have much else to say. It's late. But I'd like to start making this a bit more regular.


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